i was born to late to ever visit
forbes field in
pittsburgh, but i feel like
i've been there before. my dad and uncles used to tell me tales of past superstars that played there:
mazeroski, the
waner brothers and pie
traynor. but, they always made sure that they included josh
gibson in the discussion of the greatest
pittsburgh players. they told me how he was probably the real home run king, and that he, not babe
ruth, was probably the greatest player ever.
now the card to the right of
gibson is a little misleading. he is in his
crawfords jersey. the
crawfords were another
nergo league team in
pittsburgh at the time of the homestead grays.
gibson actually played for both teams during his career, but it was the homestead grays that played their home games in
forbes field not the
i'll hold off on snagging
this card for a few days just in case any other
pittsburgh fans out there want to grab it.